NetGalley Promo Information

Interested in purchasing one of NetGalley’s add-on promo slots? You’ll need to fill out this form.

Some notes:

  • Please make sure you email me. This is not an official NetGalley form. This is the information I’ll need to submit your request. If you don’t email me about needing a promo slot, I won’t know to apply for it.
  • Please remember that each promo application will also have a $25 admin fee in addition to the fee that NetGalley charges.
  • NetGalley’s slots can fill up pretty quickly, and they also require that your title be live a week before your promo and two weeks after your promo. You may need to extend your rental.
  • I will invoice you after NetGalley confirms your placement. Your placement will not be finalized until your invoice is paid.