There’ll be no sleeping on the job with Buddy in charge, but there will be plenty of coffee.
There’ll be no sleeping on the job with Buddy in charge, but there will be plenty of coffee.
With a sharp eye and a sharper nose, she’s quick to let me know if I’m doin’ it wrong.
These two make their rounds and yak with everyone and just generally goof off. If mail goes missing, it’s their fault!
Meet my intrepid intern, Emmy. As you can see, she’s hard at work making sure your paperwork doesn’t get misplaced.
Gypsy keeps everyone on task and makes sure we don’t run out of catnip. She insists that not having mousies is bad for employee morale.
What with piracy and corporate espionage running rampant, Pippin stays busy. Rest assured, though – he takes security very seriously.
Always cheerful, Peter keeps everyone in high spirits no matter what deadlines might be looming. Peter’s motto is “Everything’s better with a song.”
Ruby looks over all feedback. The fact that she enjoys shredding paper doesn’t interfere with her job–promise!