Learn the secrets of a top editor and make your story shine!

Lost in the story—that’s where you want your readers. But how to bring them to that mystical, magical place? Through the decidedly mundane art of line editing, that indispensable step after the developmental edit and before the copyedit/proofread.
Polish Your Manuscript In 10 Days contains well-known editor Anne Victory’s favorite tips for achieving that sweet spot of storytelling—where the reader forgets she’s reading because the common roadblocks to immersion have been driven out of the manuscript.
With Anne’s practical techniques and clear examples, you’ll polish sentences to a high shine, eliminate excess dialogue tags, achieve clarity of meaning, evenly distribute backstory for maximum effect, and more. Discover how small tweaks in a manuscript make the difference between a reader stopping to figure out what you meant and forgetting they’re even reading.
Ten days of simple, short lessons and examples that you can immediately apply to your own manuscript will have your readers lost—not in your words, but in your worlds.