When I first began looking for an editor, I had no idea how difficult that could be or how little I knew. Many of the authors I spoke to couldn’t give a solid recommendation. Finally I asked a USA Today bestselling author whom I held in extremely high regard. She responded immediately with Anne Victory. She also told me I might have to wait a few months to get in, but she told me in no uncertain terms that she would wait if she were in my shoes. And so I did.
I could not be more grateful to Anne. She continues to teach me with every book, giving me the opportunity and the knowledge to grow my writing and continue to improve. Instead of dreading the editing process, I look forward to it with true excitement. I actually keep screenshots of some of Anne’s best commentary.
I am proud of the work I put out, knowing it is clean and correct and that everyone at Victory Editing has my best interest at heart. I can confidently recommend them to anyone looking for professional, high-quality editing services, and I will continue to use them as long as I’m writing.”