Thank you so much!

I’m absolutely THRILLED that you signed up to take a class at Victory Academy. This is just the start of our journey together. You should be getting a couple of welcome emails from me in short order, but the most important one is your log-in info. We’re not going to get far if you can’t even get on the train, right?

If you’re missing your log-in info:

First things first—let’s check the usual suspects.

  1. Double-check your Spam and Promotions folders. If you find it in there, drag it into your inbox—that will train your email service to deliver my emails to you.
  2. If you use an email filtering service, check any folders such as Bulk or Newsletter, etc. Same deal here—drag that bad boy into your inbox so you let the software know you want to receive email from my course platform.

What you want to look for is an email from Victory Academy <> with the subject Welcome to Victory Academy. If you don’t see it, click here to reset your password.

All right—now that that’s taken care of, it’s time to log in to your course and get going!

I hope you’re just as excited as I am, which is pretty darned excited. Go ahead and dive in, and if you have any questions along the way, just shoot me an email.

Anne Victory
